linking INTEGRITYIntegrity - use of values or principles to guide action in the situation at hand.Below are links and discussion related to the values of freedom, hope, trust, privacy, responsibility, safety, and well-being, within business and government situations arising in the areas of security, privacy, technology, corporate governance, sustainability, and CSR. Five-step check for nano safety, 16.11.06
A team of experts has drawn up five 'grand challenges' in order to evaluate the safety of nanotechnology.
Writing in Nature journal, the team says that fears about nanotechnology's possible dangers may be exaggerated, but not necessarily unfounded. The five challenges are designed to be completed over the next 15 years. "The threat of possible harm - whether real or imagined - is threatening to slow the development of nanotechnology unless sound, independent and authoritative information is developed on what the risks are and how to avoid them," author Andrew Maynard and his colleagues write in Nature.
"Without strategic and targeted risk research, people producing and using nanomaterials could develop unanticipated illness arising from their exposure," the authors warn in Nature. "Public confidence in nanotechnologies could be reduced through real or perceived dangers and fears of litigation may make nanotechnologies less attractive to investors and the insurance industry." Safety studies Recent studies on nanoparticles in cell cultures and animals show that a variety of factors influence their potential to cause harm. These include their size, surface area, surface chemistry and ability to dissolve in water. This should come as no surprise. Inhaled dust has been known to cause disease for many years. Small particles of inhaled quartz can lead to lung damage, with the potential for progressive lung disease. But the same particles with a thin coating of clay are less harmful. Long, thin fibres of asbestos can also lead to lung disease if inhaled, but grinding the fibres down to shorter particles reduces their harmfulness. In May, the UK's Royal Society called on industry to disclose how it tests products containing nanoparticles. A joint report by the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering two years ago said there was no need to ban nanoparticle production. But it said tighter UK and European regulation over some aspects of nanotechnology - manipulation of molecules - was needed to ensure its long-term safety. (0) comments Nearly half of Canadians find security laws intrusive: study, 14.11.06
Americans are more likely than Canadians to be concerned about the intrusiveness of new laws aimed at protecting national security in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, new Canadian research suggests.
About 30 per cent of Canadians, Americans, Spaniards and Hungarians felt they had complete or a lot of say in what happens to their personal information. But Chinese and French respondents felt differently, with 67 per cent and 60 per cent, respectively, reporting they felt in control of the use their information. The survey was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and included nearly 50 questions on participants' attitudes toward consumer surveillance, racial profiling at airports, national ID cards, media coverage of surveillance issues, workplace privacy, knowledge of privacy regulations, control over personal data and public trust in government. (0) comments A Security Disconnect, 2.11.06
Conference Board
There’s a serious security disconnect going on at our nation’s largest and most vulnerable companies: "The most supportive executives [such as CIOs] were not the most influential, and the most influential executives (senior C-suite managers) were not the most supportive." That’s the key finding from a new Conference Board report on security entitled “Navigating Risk—The Business Case for Security.” The study measures the influence of security managers among senior executives; the Board surveyed 213 senior corporate executives not specifically responsible for security or risk matters and not CIOs, at companies at especially high risk: “critical infrastructure industries (including energy and utilities, chemicals, and transportation), large corporations, multinationals with global operations, and publicly-traded companies.” The study found: there is a strong disconnect between the level of support for securityIt also found that while security is seen as aligned with operational risk, it’s not viewed as well-aligned with company strategy: Companies reported less alignment of security with long-range strategicMeasures of the effectiveness of corporate security are less sophisticated than even the measures for IT or HR effectiveness. The focused on how much a problem costs, not on contribution to strategy: The most helpful measures were the cost of business interruption, (cited by 64%); vulnerability assessments (60%); and benchmarking against industry standards (49%). Another group of helpful metrics was explicitly related to insurance costs, such as the value of facilities (44%), the level of insurance premiums (39%), and the cost of previous security incidents (34%). The choice of metrics varies widely across industries. Our own security survey has also found that management support for security is a problem (Finding 1.2). But while our survey finds there is a trend toward greater integration of IT security with risk management (Findings 6.1 and 6.2), the Conference Board study suggests that IT security's part in the overall risk picture is not as well-understood or supported as IT executives think. It helps explain why so many IT executives complain that their company takes too tactical an approach to security (Finding 6.3). CIOs can't take support for security for granted. Maybe they should enlist the help of those anxious chief marketing officers who were surveyed in the CMO Council's study on security. (0) comments Ethical Advocates Can Build Significant Goodwill For Companies,![]() Based on its research, Ipsos has developed a Corporate Responsibility Roadmap with eight model behaviors that can help companies stand out and appeal to Ethical Advocates. These behaviors are:
Ethical Advocates regularly choose products that have some social or environmental benefit, such as those made with recycled content or produced via a fair trade arrangement. They also take personal steps to be more environmental and socially responsible. Most Ethical Advocates, for example, recycle, donate money to charity and make efforts to be energy-efficient. Among the behaviors Ethical Advocates consider when judging companies are: quality products and services at a reasonable price, fair treatment of employees at home and abroad, support of the local economy, respect for the environment and the ability of consumers to make an informed choice. (0) comments
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