linking INTEGRITYIntegrity - use of values or principles to guide action in the situation at hand.Below are links and discussion related to the values of freedom, hope, trust, privacy, responsibility, safety, and well-being, within business and government situations arising in the areas of security, privacy, technology, corporate governance, sustainability, and CSR. The CEO's Tech Toolbox, 26.7.05
The CEO's Tech Toolbox
![]() Here are some tech trends for the CEO to stay abreast of:
(0) comments Watchdog: 2 or 1 best?,
The Liberals have asked Gerard La Forest to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current model, with each portfolio handled by a separate commissioner. He also will review practices in other jurisdictions. Tory MP David Chatters said the government should not talk of a merger when Parliament has not been consulted (0) comments Complying with breach notification laws, 25.7.05
Strategies for compliance
CEOs are faking it, Stanford professor says,
Your company's CEO might be a pretender, and that may be a good thing, according to Robert Sutton, professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University.
'In just about every study I've ever seen ... the amount of control a leader has over the company is exaggerated,' Sutton said during a keynote address at the AO05 Innovation Summit at Stanford yesterday. Although top executives of the largest companies are often considered uniquely powerful, their effectiveness actually dwindles as companies get larger, he said.
'If you look at these Fortune 500 companies where they get paid a fortune, they have the least impact,' Sutton said. The notion of the CEO as a captain, steering the corporate ship, isn't so much a fallacy as it is a 'half truth,' according to Sutton, who has devoted a chapter to the topic in his upcoming book, Hard Facts, Dangerous Half Truths, and Total Nonsense. In fact, leaders -- even great ones -- often have no clear idea where they are going, he said. And they make mistakes. The best executives, like Intel Corp.'s former CEO Andy Grove, will admit that they face a dilemma in needing to appear decisive while at the same time being conscious of their limitations. 'You have to pretend,' Sutton said. 'It's sort of a dilemma, but if you want to accept a leadership job, you've got to accept the hypocrisy of it." In a 2003 interview with the Harvard Business School, Grove acknowledged that no business leader has "a real understanding of where we are heading."
In the interview, Grove added that it is important not to be weighed down by the burden of making important decisions without a clear picture of things. "Try not to get too depressed in the journey, because there's a professional responsibility. If you are depressed, you can't motivate your staff," he said. The interview illustrated that Grove was "getting even more honest" as his involvement in the day-to-day management of Intel lessened, Sutton said. Sutton and co-author Jeffrey Pfeffer have tackled other "half truths" in their book, which is to be published next year. Their aim is to shine the light of empirical research on a number of widely held management beliefs, including the idea that leaders should always keep a close eye on their workers, Sutton said. Sometimes the best managers are the ones who do the least, Sutton said, quoting an aphorism he attributed to 3M Co.'s retired senior vice president of research and development, Bill Coyne: "When you plant a seed in the ground, you don't dig it up every week to see how it works." (0) comments 7S Strategy Model: hard S's and soft S's, 18.7.05
Chimera Consulting
7S Framework
The 7S's
If you want more on the 7S model, read Richard Pascale's subsequent "Managing on the Edge" (1990). (0) comments CIOs Have A Role To Play On Corporate Boards, 14.7.05
The perception of CIOs is evolving from managers of back-office systems to executives with knowledge of business processes.
While very few CIOs sit on the boards of directors of the world's largest companies, 75% of global executives believe CIOs have a role to play on those boards, according to a new study released this week by executive search firm Korn/Ferry International.
It's likely that more CIOs will be seriously considered for board membership as the perception of their role evolves from that of managers focused primarily on regulatory compliance, back-end operations like E-mail and document storage, and administration, to that of executives who understand business processes and the competitive environment and who provide companies with a competitive advantage, says Richard Spitz, global managing director of Korn/Ferry's Technology Market.
In the Korn/Ferry online survey,
(0) comments C Y B E R C R I M E, 11.7.051st Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, 8.7.05
The Terasem Movement
GRAIN stands for Genomics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology.
Terasem: Life faces three types of risks -- from disease, from society and from natural catastrophes. The Terasem Movement is based upon the belief that each of these risks can and should be substantially ameliorated. We believe that nanotechnology developed geoethically, cyberconsciousness developed with personhood, and an overriding commitment to diversity and unity are the tools needed to ameliorate the risks to life.
With regard to risks from disease, the Terasem Movement is premised upon the belief that nanomedicine is the key to eliminating human suffering and greatly extending human lifetimes. Nanomedicine is also the key to recovery from cryopreservation for individuals who die before their illnesses can be technologically cured.
The Terasem Movement believes that social causes of suffering and death, such as wars, pollution and anomie, arise due to inadequate attention paid to the overriding importance of diversity and unity. In addition, nanotechnology can create adequate clean wealth to remove many scarcity-based causes for conflict.
Natural catastrophes run the gamut from tsunamis to collisions with space objects. The Terasem Movement believes that our conscious life is precious and unique in the universe. Consequently, we believe it is essential to propagate our consciousness far beyond earth and that self-replicating nanotechnology is currently the only practical means of doing so.
(0) comments Report on the Evolution of Cybercrime, 6.7.05
The report, commissioned by McAfee, discusses how organized crime and cybercrime are developing, and looks at the future threat this activity could pose to home computers, government computer networks, and to computer systems in the business sector. The report reveals a hierarchy of cybercriminals, discussing the recent evolution of the amateur cyber delinquent to the professional cyber gang.
'As companies and consumers continue to move towards a networked and information economy, more opportunity exists for cybercriminals to take advantage of vulnerabilities on networks and computers,' said Chris Christiansen, program vice president, IDC. 'Understanding who these criminals are and how they attack provide great insight into implementing and practicing good security hygiene.'
Prior to 2000, cybercriminals acting alone committed the majority of cybercrimes, usually in an attempt to attain notoriety within the cyber world. However, in recent years, a shift has occurred as criminals and not just amateurs are committing cybercrimes. This is due in large part to the potentially huge financial gains that can be made from the Internet with relatively little risk. The report goes on to examine the different tactics and tools used by these cybercriminals, and future areas of attack.
Some of the report's most compelling highlights include:
The full report is available AS A PDF at: McAfee® Virtual Criminology Report (0) comments After a privacy breach, how should you break the news?,
Based on a recent study conducted by Ponemon Institute, we can provide some insight on what customers' expectations are when they receive notification. Here are key issues companies should consider in order to maintain the trust and confidence of their customers or employees in the event of a data security breach.
Timeliness is important. Notify the victims as quickly as possible. A few days of delay can cause a significant drop in confidence in your organization.
Talk to your customers, employees and contractors. Individuals were much more likely to view communication as truthful when a company representative contacted them by telephone. Written communication was viewed with a higher degree of skepticism and concern.
Don't sugarcoat the message. A spoonful of sugar won't make the bad news go down easily. People expect the notice to be truthful, clear and concise.
Provide support. People expect the organization to help them with problems created by the breach. Specifically, companies should have trained personnel to help if a data breach ultimately results in identity theft or other related crimes.
Show me the money. Consumers expect to receive financial compensation in the event that they experience monetary or productivity losses as a result of the company's breach.
Personalization creates trust. Make sure the notification has accurate information about how the breach may affect the customer. Above all, don't misspell a customer's name or have an incorrect address on a notification.
Adjust the message to fit the severity of the breach. Not all breaches are the same. Make sure your notification communicates the necessary actions that are relevant to the type of breach that occurs. Again, make sure individuals have help in resolving any problems created by the breach.
It is also important to notify all potential victims. Some companies have made the mistake of not informing customers in states without a notification law. The media, government agencies and lawmakers will not view such practices favorably.
For more information, please contact research@ponemon.org. Larry Ponemon is chairman of Ponemon Institute, a think tank dedicated to ethical information management practices and research. He is an adjunct professor of ethics and privacy at Carnegie Mellon University's CIO Institute and is a CyLab faculty member. Ponemon can be reached at larry@ponemon.org. (0) comments The state of sustainability reporting in Canada, 1.7.05
GRI News
It was revealed that 61% of large cap companies were aware of GRI, but that only 15.0% of micro cap companies and 22.2% of small companies had heard of GRI. Of the respondents that had heard of GRI, 77% were supportive of GRI. Only 8% said that they find the 2002 Guidelines too onerous, but 22% said they found the Guidelines 'too vague'. The authors stated that the most valuable aspects of the GRI Guidelines are the multi-stakeholder process that underpins their development, and the ability of reporters to use them incrementally.
Follow this link to download the full report. (0) comments
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