linking INTEGRITYIntegrity - use of values or principles to guide action in the situation at hand.Below are links and discussion related to the values of freedom, hope, trust, privacy, responsibility, safety, and well-being, within business and government situations arising in the areas of security, privacy, technology, corporate governance, sustainability, and CSR. 1st Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, 8.7.05
The Terasem Movement
GRAIN stands for Genomics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology.
Terasem: Life faces three types of risks -- from disease, from society and from natural catastrophes. The Terasem Movement is based upon the belief that each of these risks can and should be substantially ameliorated. We believe that nanotechnology developed geoethically, cyberconsciousness developed with personhood, and an overriding commitment to diversity and unity are the tools needed to ameliorate the risks to life.
With regard to risks from disease, the Terasem Movement is premised upon the belief that nanomedicine is the key to eliminating human suffering and greatly extending human lifetimes. Nanomedicine is also the key to recovery from cryopreservation for individuals who die before their illnesses can be technologically cured.
The Terasem Movement believes that social causes of suffering and death, such as wars, pollution and anomie, arise due to inadequate attention paid to the overriding importance of diversity and unity. In addition, nanotechnology can create adequate clean wealth to remove many scarcity-based causes for conflict.
Natural catastrophes run the gamut from tsunamis to collisions with space objects. The Terasem Movement believes that our conscious life is precious and unique in the universe. Consequently, we believe it is essential to propagate our consciousness far beyond earth and that self-replicating nanotechnology is currently the only practical means of doing so.
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