linking INTEGRITYIntegrity - use of values or principles to guide action in the situation at hand.Below are links and discussion related to the values of freedom, hope, trust, privacy, responsibility, safety, and well-being, within business and government situations arising in the areas of security, privacy, technology, corporate governance, sustainability, and CSR. The Next Sustainability Wave, 26.3.06
ACM Ubiquity
In The Next Sustainability Wave: Building Boardroom Buy-in (New Society Publishers, 2005), I explore why the idea of sustainability has been embraced enthusiastically by some businesses and rejected by others. The first wave of corporate converts to sustainability was driven by a PR crisis, regulatory pressures, or the founder's personal passion. The next wave, however, requires different drivers if it is to build a critical mass for corporate responsibility in the business community. I focus on two emerging drivers that promise to spur corporate commitment to sustainability strategies: An effective carrot-and-stick duo, these two drivers are both triggering the need for change and providing a vision of business success if the transition to sustainable operations, products, and services is smartly managed. Emphasizing the importance of how sustainability is presented to corporate leaders & using the right language, and avoiding threats to the status quo that provoke habitual corporate defense mechanisms — the book applies effective selling techniques to reposition sustainability strategies as a means to achieving existing corporate ends, rather than as a separate priority to worry about. It sells sustainability as a solution, a business strategy, and a catalyst for business transformation. The following excerpts position the drivers against the stages that companies go through on their sustainability journeys. Bob Willard, Author
(0) comments CIRA withdraws from ICANN, 24.3.06
Open letter to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
It is in this context that CIRA, wishing to see ICANN succeed, and expecting ICANN to follow accountable, transparent and fair processes, makes the following recommendations to the ICANN Board: [read further] (0) comments VeriSign details massive denial-of-service attacks - Computerworld, 16.3.06
A sudden increase in a particularly dangerous type of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack could portend big trouble for companies, according to VeriSign Inc. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company said that about 1,500 organizations worldwide were attacked earlier this year by unknown hackers who employed botnets and Domain Name System (DNS) servers to swamp networks with unmanageable torrents of data. The attacks, which started on Jan. 3 and ended in mid-February, were notable because they employed an especially devastating kind of DDoS attack, said Ken Silva, VeriSign's chief security officer.
In this case, attackers sent spoofed domain-name requests from botnets to DNS servers, which processed the requests and then sent replies to the spoofed victims, according to Silva. “When the number of requests is in the thousands, the attacker could potentially generate a multigigabit flood of DNS replies” directed at the spoofed server, according to a description of such attacks on US-CERT Web site (download PDF). “This is known as an amplifier attack because this method takes advantage of misconfigured DNS servers to reflect the attack onto a target, while amplifying the volume of packets,” the CERT description said.
“It really demonstrates how much horsepower these people have developed and how efficient they are at developing it,” he said. (0) comments PC Pro: News: McAfee falls foul of faulty virus detection update, 14.3.06
PC Pro
The problem started last Friday when the company released the 4715 DATs which contained an incorrect identification for the W95/CTX virus. As a result, a long list of ordinary files, including Microsoft's Excel, the Google Toolbar installer, Java and the Macromedia Flash Player, were marked as hostile and users were prompted to either quarantine or delete them. [...] [CLB: This is a great example of how friendly intervention software can go astray. There are arguments that we should release friendly counter-virii onto the net to protect, prevent, and repair. But even with good intention and design, mistakes can occur, as the above illustrates.] (0) comments
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