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Integrity - use of values or principles to guide action in the situation at hand.

Below are links and discussion related to the values of freedom, hope, trust, privacy, responsibility, safety, and well-being, within business and government situations arising in the areas of security, privacy, technology, corporate governance, sustainability, and CSR.

RFID in Ontario - New Guidelines, 20.6.06

IT Business

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario Monday introduced RFID guidelines(PDF) to separate fact from fiction and prepare consumers for the day when they may have to deal with the technology on a daily basis.

Ann Cavoukian’s five-page report calls for businesses that are considering the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to take several factors into account. Among them are:

  • An individual at the company should be appointed to ensure that privacy measures are in place
  • Companies must seek consent from individuals before collecting personal information via RFID technology
  • Collection should be limited to the minimum amount of information necessary
  • Employees that may have access to the personal information be trained in its appropriate use
  • Safeguards should be put in place to prevent the loss or theft of information that is stored on an RFID tag

The Guidelines are based on three overarching principles, including:

  • Focus on RFID information systems, not technologies: The problem does not lie with RFID technologies themselves, but rather, the way in which they are deployed that can have privacy implications. The Guidelines should be applied to RFID information systems as a whole, rather than to any single technology component or function;
  • Build in privacy and security from the outset – at the design stage: Just as privacy concerns must be identified in a broad and systemic manner, so, too, must the technological solutions be addressed systemically. A thorough privacy impact assessment is critical. Users of RFID technologies and information systems should address the privacy and security issues early in the design stages, with a particular emphasis on data minimization. This means that wherever possible, efforts should be made to minimize the identifiability, observability and linkability of RFID data; and
  • Maximize individual participation and consent : Use of RFID information systems should be as open and transparent as possible, and afford individuals with as much opportunity as possible to participate and make informed decisions.

RFID Journal
Spy Chips
The Magic of RFID

From RFID, Vol. 2, No. 7 - October 2004, by Roy Want, Intel Research


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Integrity Incorporated

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"We shall need compromises in the days ahead, to be sure. But these will be, or should be, compromises of issues, not principles. We can compromise our political positions, but not ourselves. We can resolve the clash of interests without conceding our ideals. And even the necessity for the right kind of compromise does not eliminate the need for those idealists and reformers who keep our compromises moving ahead, who prevent all political situations from meeting the description supplied by Shaw: "smirched with compromise, rotted with opportunism, mildewed by expedience, stretched out of shape with wirepulling and putrefied with permeation.
Compromise need not mean cowardice. .."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, "Profiles in Courage"


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